I don't like forwarding emails, but some are just too funny (or too good) to keep to myself. Therefore, I have decided to post the forwards I like here. I hope you like them, too.
The Shortest Books of All Time _______________________________ MY BLACK GIRLFRIENDS By Tiger Woods ____________________________________________ THINGS I LOVE ABOUT MY COUNTRY By Jane Fonda and Cindy Sheehan Illustrated by Michael Moore Foreword by George Soros ________________________________________ MY CHRISTIAN ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND HOW I HELPED AFTER KATRINA By Rev Jesse Jackson & Rev Al Sharpton ______________________________________ THINGS I CANNOT AFFORD By Bill Gates ____________________________________ THINGS I WOULD NOT DO FOR MONEY By Dennis Rodman _________________________________ THINGS WE KNOW TO BE TRUE By Al Gore and John Kerry _____________________________________ GUIDE TO THE PACIFIC By Amelia Earhart _______________________________________________ HOW TO LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST By Dr. Jack Kevorkian _______________________________________ TO ALL THE MEN WE HAVE LOVED BEFORE By Ellen de Gene...
Alabama beat Arkansas and they fired the coach. Alabama beat Tennessee and they fired the coach. Alabama beat Auburn and they fired the coach. Then Alabama beat Notre Dame and the Pope resigns. Damn, I wish the White House had a team. Haha!!!!!